The TCO calculator drives growth at Kalmar.

Kalmar's products are world-leading in their segment, and they continue to drive the development of future cargo handling solutions. But how does an electric forklift compare to a powerful diesel forklift, and aren’t electric vehicles significantly more expensive? These were some of the questions raised when we first received the task of creating a TCO Calculator for Kalmar's forklifts. The result was so well received that, as a next step, they chose to implement TCO tools for additional product families.


To prove to their customers that choosing electric is not only environmentally friendly but also cost-effective, Kalmar needed to demonstrate the total cost of ownership (TCO) of their products. With lower operating costs and easier maintenance, the investment in electric products quickly pays off compared to traditional diesel alternatives. An initial pilot version was created for forklifts, and as more product families became electrified, the tools needed a unified platform so Kalmar could compare all their products in a similar way and showcase each option's unique features and specific data.


byBrick had previously created the first version of the TCO calculator and was entrusted with continuing to develop and update the mobile sales tool to support the launch of Kalmar's electric products. A unified platform, the Kalmar TCO Calculator, was then created, allowing Kalmar's salespeople and distributors to quickly and easily analyze the customer's situation, compare both traditional diesel alternatives and competitors, and create decision-making materials that detail the various options. The platform is centrally managed and supports single sign-on for easy access by salespeople whenever needed.

Verktyget är en webbapp som går att köra på alla plattformar och Kalmar kan själva administrera det grunddata som behövs för beräkningarna.

The tool is a web app that can be run on all platforms, and Kalmar can manage the foundational data required for the calculations themselves.

Plattformen har över tid kompletterats med fler verktyg, bland annat en Site Survey och en guide för val av gaffelmaterial.

Over time, the platform has been complemented with additional tools, including a Site Survey and a guide for selecting forklift attachments.

Med Kalmar TCO Calculator samlas resultatet av beräkningarna direkt i en PDF-rapport som kan skickas till kunden. På så vis får kunden med med sig viktigt beslutsunderlag direkt från mötet paketerat på ett lättillgängligt sätt, vilken leder till kortare säljcykler.

With the Kalmar TCO Calculator, the results of the calculations are immediately compiled into a PDF report that can be sent to the customer. This way, the customer receives important decision-making materials directly from the meeting, packaged in an easily accessible format, leading to shorter sales cycles.

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